
How not to make mistakes by choosing a wallpaper for the wall for the living room?

1364 2019-03-19
The living room is in most houses a common space - it is a room representing the character of the inhabitants and the place where they spend their free time. If you want your room to take on a unique character, opt...
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Fashionable vintage wallpapers

1499 2019-02-21
The nature of the interior is determined by details and attention-paying details, giving the space a unique climate and warmth. Modern fashion allows a lot of possibilities in terms of interior design. Vintage style...
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The best wallpaper for children's room

1354 2019-02-20
The child's room is not only a bedroom, but also a space designed to develop interests, play, learn and spend time with friends. The list of functions that can be fulfilled by this one room is quite long. The...
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About kids collection

1207 2018-07-25
I think each of us had a favorite cuddle, teddy bear or fairy tale hero as a child. Most often it was one of the animals. If you do not like how posters for children are presented, bet on the original works of Olga M...
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Customize Wallpaper

Anna Lis
Customer Service Manager


You have the option to personalize every order! Are you looking for wallpaper tailored to the specific dimensions of your wall? Or does your room feature unusual bends or slopes? We are here to meet your individual needs and adjust our products to the unique character of your interior.

Write to us at
[email protected]

+48 788 777 865

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