
Modern wallpapers for the 3D wall not only for the living room

Posted on2019-10-04 1345
Unusual solutions work not only in modern interiors created by the best interior architects. It is worth taking an interest in ingenious methods for decouchment of the surface of the walls, thanks to which each room acquires a unique atmosphere. 3D wallpaper for the wall is one of the similar options - their location on the wall is not problematic, and provides a very spectacular effect. Moreover, they come in such a wide range of patterns that for each arrangement it is possible to choose harmoniously ripping with the whole print. Put on a bold detail in your apartment and change its face. 3D wall wallpaper can be successfully used in different rooms - not only in the living room. They will work equally well in the kitchen, dining room, hallway or bedroom, but it is worth considering first the exact concept of their placement. An equally important step is their color matching - you can not allow such an original decoration to decorate with a completely different style, color palette or atmosphere. Once you have made sure of such details, you can safely proceed to the choice of 3D wallpaper for the room.
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Anna Lis
Customer Service Manager


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